Winter is here.... one of my favorite winter sights is our startling blue winter skies framing the now golden leaves of our pomegrante tree & the dark red, leathery hulls of the fruit hanging empty after the birds' fall feasting. Our lemons begin to turn yellow & weigh down the branches of the lemon tree. This same tree was the "babysitter" during the past spring & summer for our bobcat kitten who is now half grown & has a new little sibling. Desert life slows as the solstice approaches & I eagerly anticipate the lengthening of days after its passage.
My etsy store has finally generated a sale; my weaving guild craft market sales were minimal. So, my venture into the world of production apparel has had its rise & fall. I believe I am really meant to weave tapestry, but I will probably do a few shawls here & there occasionally as I enjoy weaving them with my naturally dyed alpaca.
This is my current tapestry in progress, the 2nd bird in my desert birds postcard series. It is a verdin, a bird which is very common here, but often overlooked.
I have a few other tapestries planned as I have goals of submitting works to several exhibits in 2007, so please come back after the new year for more photos!
Here's wishing everyone a peace & love filled end of 2006!