Opuntia has been started, & it is already glowing. It is being woven on its side; when it is finished & displayed, the pollen head area will be in the lower right hand corner. I have spent the last couple of days not really weaving, but mostly weaving & reweaving the first pollen head because I wasn't getting the effect I was seeking & I wasn't feeling very well. Today, as I have started feeling better, I have also figured out how to weave the pollen heads. I wanted a raised texture, but didn't want to use a technique that would take eons to weave. So what I have come up with is to intersperse single picks of basket weave within passes of regular weave, using a double strand weft of two different, but similar colors. Now, with two pollen heads woven, I like

Over the last few weeks, some wonderful things have been happening, like little unexpected gifts out of the blue...
I've been visited in my studio by two good weaver friends-- DY Begay, a Navajo weaver who lives in nearby Mesa, & Olga Neuts, another tapestry weaver here in Tucson. What wonderful visits we had! It is like a good cool drink of water that quenches your thirst when you are able to spend time visiting & talking with other weavers who share your passion!
While a friend & I were attending the Bisbee Fiber Festival, I was approached by members of their guild to come teach a beginning tapestry class next year. Of course, I said yes... what a great opportunity! One of my favorite things I did as a nurse was teaching my patients. Since I retired to pursue my weaving I always hoped that some day I would be able to teach others again. It has come much sooner that I dreamt it would!
I have solved a dilemma that had been pestering me since the last time we had cool weather. I like to weave barefoot, & when it's cold, my feet get cold. I just cannot weave with shoes on & socks slide around on the treadles. So what's a poor, barefoot weaver girl going to do? Get some toe socks! And not just any toe socks, yoga toe socks with tread! They are very sticky, & yes, they obviously pick up dog hair, but my feet will be warm when I am weaving this winter-- heaven! Feets don't fail me now....

And, like an extra dollop of hot fudge on the sundae (forget the cherry-- give me more chocolate!), I just found out this week that the Countdown to Peace Project is planning on using my peace dove on the postcard announcing their first exhibit. They now have a website & some of the artists' work has already been posted. My piece was assigned the date of 3-30-03, kind of cool! They are still accepting submissions, so if you are reading this & you are an artist, think about creating a 4" x 4" work to send!

Hi Lyn, your new studio and tapestry look fantastic. How wide is your tapestry on the loom? I have a very large rug loom but mine has 4 shafts so I can weave twills ect. I have never woven tapestry on it as because of the weaving width I could not reach the treadles.But at the moment I am seriously thinking about it as I am having a forced rest from tapestry for a while as I have rsi from weaving. The reed in my loom is 50 inches but sometime I may be able to get extra treadles set up for 2 of the shafts. Great to see once again what you are doing. Debbie
Hi Lyn,
Great idea using the basket weave for the pollen heads, I really like how it looks. I've meant to ask you where you get your yarn. You may have mentioned it before, but I can't remember now. It has great texture. I took a class from D.Y. when I was attending ASU way back in the early 90s. She gave a workshop in Prescott. I think I am going to have to sign up with Desert Tapestry Weavers...I sometimes really miss home. (AZ) Thanks Lyn!!
Hi Debbie & Michelle!
This current tapestry is 30 inches wide. I am primarily using my natural dyed for this piece because the colors I have seem to be perfect for it. I do my dyeing with single spun wool that I buy from Burnham's Trading Post-- I have been dyeing on unbleached white & light grey. Their website is not very good for viewing their yarns, but they have some wonderful (& cheap!) wool: natural, synthetic, & Navajo dyed. Michelle, email me if you want their contact info-- desertsonghart@msn.com
Along with Burnham's wool, I use wool from Norsk Fjord Fiber & will be using a little of that in this tapestry. There is a link for that website on my blog.
How nice to learn that you know DY, Michelle! She is such a wonderful person & weaver... I feel lucky that I was both able to take a workshop with her & count her among my weaver friends!
Hi Lyn,
Beautiful shot of the dyeing and the beginning of the next tapestry! And, I love the toe sock idea...
Your mountain journal was very inspirational. Thank you for sharing that.
Lyn, thanks for the post on my blog. Congratulations on your Peace tapestry being used for the postcard invitation! It will be perfect for it! Be sure to request that they send you any 'extras' instead of getting rid of them in any other way. You can use them when you send out promotional stuff. I admit that I envy your new studio. It looks so light and spacious - and working in my home studio right now is somewhat bothersome. Many interruptions! Keep blogging - Kathy S
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