It has been raining intermittently, yet steadily, for almost 4 days now, a very good thing in the

desert. It is always so amazing how quickly things can change here... for the last 2 days, the temps have not made it out of the 50s, yet just before Thanksgiving we had some days near 90. The birds outside seem to enjoy wet weather so much, increasing their usual cacophony of birdsong while they are feeding at the feeders. The studio windows have been continually streaked with rain & because of the flat roof I can hear the rain if it is coming down hard enough. The clay canales that drain the studio & garage rooftops have been continually trickling & at times gushing water. The surrounding mountains are either lost from sight when the clouds engulf them, or they are strikingly illuminated when the sun manages to peak briefly through the thick cotton of rain clouds. The Catalinas have also had brief dustings of snow on their peaks which melts quickly if the sun stays out for long.

On the Shannock frame loom,
inlay 9 is finally in progress, after a bit of tweaking of the design. Inspired by Tommye's latest
post, I'm including images of my designing as it progressed. I don't sketch very much for most of my tapestries because I use images that I take with my digital camera & then trace the main shapes & outlines onto vellum to use behind the warp. But, this tapestry is geometric, so I had to head for the graph paper & then to my CorelDraw.
Here, my first conception while I was still in the process of choosing the palette. I had originally envisioned it as a horizontal design...

Which I then transferred into CorelDraw & modified to come up with the final design & palette, with some of the shapes changed & the alignment now vertical...

Here the final design has been transferred to graph paper with yarns attached to their respective color areas. I can keep it near the loom to track of each shape's dimensions; since the overall size is 9" x 22" & it is such a simple design, I didn't want to waste paper & ink printing a cartoon out from my printer.

With each new tapestry, I tend to try to incorporate a tapestry technique that I have not used much before so I can push my envelope a bit & become more proficient in my weaving skills. In
earth & sky, it was pick and pick-- in this tapestry it happens to be interlocking joins, which I felt it was necessary to use because of the precision of the shapes & the size of the slits that would make it difficult for me to control draw in or "bulge out". Two of the shapes are using a wool yarn that is much larger than the other wools, bamboos, & cottons, so I am weaving those in basket weave (over 2, under 2) to compensate. Although the overall design is simple, I find that the preciseness of it requires that I am very mindful of all of my joins & selvedges.

Hi Lyn,
Great description of your process! Thanks for mentioning you'd been inspired by my post...I'm always inspired by yours. Your photography is just fabulous!!
By the way, have you tried double-weft interlock as a joining method? I once used it quite a lot and would again if I were doing a geometric design, I believe. The edges between shapes are about as clean as can be gotten (if not doing slits). However, it has a ridge of the interlock on the side it's worked, so typically is done from the reverse side.
I'll look forward to seeing more of the process!
This will be very Mondrian, Lyn! I, too, worked this way at one time - designing tapestries to learn techniques. Lovely colors! And so much fun to weave in your beautiful new studio space. Enjoy the weaving... don't let those joins get you down. Kathy S
Thanks for mentioning the double weft interlock... I have eyed that technique a little warily when I've seen it in my tapestry technique books. Maybe one day I will try it. Since I have used single interlock a little bit in the past, I started off with it & now feel I should stay in that "groove". One tapestry weaver I had taken a workshop from in the past gave out a casual, but very good piece of advice-- doesn't matter what technique you use, as long as it's consistent throughout the weaving!
Thanks for the "Mondrian" comment because it made me have to research it a bit & so learn in the process-- I love it when that happens! When I saw examples of his style, I did recognize it!
Happy New Year to you Lyn and may it be one full of productivity. Are you tempted to come to Australia for tapestry 2008??
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