I saw these forks for the first time when I took the Inspiration workshop-- they belonged to DY Begay & I immediately experienced a surge of "fork lust". I love my wooden weaving forks, but I usually weave at 9 - 10 epi & the wooden fork tines tend to push the warp around & distort the weaving, especially in small areas. DY generously shared her source with me, so now I must share it with all who might like to have forks like these. The tines are tapered, hardened stainless steel taken from pet combs & embedded in the hand shaped handles using epoxy resin. You may specify the tpi (tines per inch) you would like & what type of wood (from what is available). Here is the artisan's contact info:
John Jenkins
Magpie WoodWorks, LLC
316 Parkwood Drive
Grand Junction, CO 81503
The larger fork is the Begay fork (2 1/4 " across at its widest area & 8 1/2 " long including tines) & the smaller fork is the Mini (6/8" across its widest & 9" long). If these dimensions don't suit you, I think John will make them to your specifications. You must also check the pricing with John because I believe he is in the process of re-pricing.

A double-edged sword.... I cannot wait to start weaving my next tapestry, but construction to convert the garage into my new studio space starts on Monday, which will first involve using a jack hammer to chip away the 9" concrete apron in front of the old garage door. Plus, the boss of the concrete crew is as hyper as a ping pong ball in a tile bathroom, so I think he bears watching. Well, it will all pass soon & I will be left with a new studio space to show for the interrupted serenity.
Hi Lyn,
Thanks so much for the comments at my blog. Your photos and comments about the ATA anniversary celebration are much appreciated!! I wish I could have been there.
I love the photos of the beaters, also.
Good luck with the studio conversion!
Lyn, I loved your work and workshops -flicker. I am also corrently dying wool with plants, and do tapestry as well. I trained with Lyne Curran in Scotland, but at present am concentrating in Lask hoock wall hangings. Textiles in general are my passion. The velvet efect that lash hook can produce interest me a lot. I started a blog recently. You are well come to visit it: titacosta.blogspot.com
love for you and to all the pacient textile artists
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