The ice on the Santa Cruz river also broke this week as temps hit 100.... Of course, there is no ice in the desert at this time of year & the Santa Cruz river is now a dry river that only flows during heavy monsoon rains, but "ice break" is a quirky Old Pueblo annual event when we all try to predict the first day the thermometer will hit 100 degrees.

After a week of being invaded by sweating, swearing men, this is what has been accomplished so far.........
The 9" concrete apron slab was jackhammered into rubble.

Colored concrete poured & smoothed for the new floor.

The old garage door opening framed & awaiting the new window. The original plan was to have a sliding glass door & 2 windows, but after the concrete was poured, it turned out that the height of the opening was too short for a door. Instead, it will now be 1 large window, 12' x 5', divided into 3 sections. The two 4' wide end sections will be solid glass & the middle 4' section will open with casement windows.
A new garage to replace the old one is being constructed simultaneously, & its footers & forms have been prepared for the concrete pour.
As I kept appearing to check on progress during the first couple of days, the workers were trying to bite their tongues & stem the flow of foul language. I finally let them off the hook by saying, "Look, I have 3 brothers, I worked as a bartender in a redneck bar for 3 years, and I worked as a labor & delivery nurse for 6 years. I've probably heard any horrible thing you could possibly say, in two languages. You're not going to offend me!" After that, followed by plying them with coffee, lemonade, & a radio cranking rock music at high decibels, I was just one of the guys. If good construction work & swearing profusely go hand in hand, swear away!!!!
I always find it interesting to see construction methods in warmer climates. Your studio is being built similar to the construction i've watched in the Bahamas. I keep thinking .... where's the insulation???? Then I have to remember that I'm in Canada.
I spent my youth living in a town north of International Falls, Minnesota. They have festivals for the cold weather and they used to have a giant thermometer: http://www.roadsideamerica.com/attract/MNINTsmokey.html
Your studio is going to be fabulous! I'm so happy for you...(and I have to admit, I'm also insanely jealous!)
Hey Lyn,
Good for you that you put the workers at ease by saying you wouldn't be offended--and then, also by offering drinks and music. My father was a blue collar worker (very sweat stained blue collar, in fact, since he drove bulldozers) and he taught me, as a child, that one should speak the "language" of whoever one was conversing with--not in a condesending way but as a matter of courtesy. I took that to heart and have always had great interactions with most all the folks with whom I've been involved over the years.
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